
Participants complete a questionnaire before and after the data acquisition, categorized by their health status (e.g., healthy, sailor, concussion history, Parkinson’s, whiplash).

Pre-Acquisition Questionnaire

In the initial phase, participants provide general information such as age, gender, weight, and height. They are then asked about their daily habits, including physical activities, the consumption of food, caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. Following this, participants report their motion sickness susceptibility based on past experiences in transport and entertainment, rating their experiences on a scale from 0 to 3.

Participants also provide details about their general health status, including past experiences with conditions like deafness, tinnitus, dizziness, migraines, stress-related headaches, and hypertension. To assess their current health status, they share information on any history of concussions, anxiety, depression, and symptoms such as discomfort, fatigue, headaches, and nausea. Additional group-specific details are collected, covering pain, personal care needs, concentration, and daily activities for participants from specific groups, such as those with whiplash.

Post-Acquisition Questionnaire

After the data acquisition, participants self-evaluate the same symptoms, providing a comprehensive comparison of their sensations and related symptoms before and after the simulation.

The subject is provided with a private space to fill out the questionnaire, ensuring confidentiality. Upon completion, the data undergoes immediate anonymization. Subsequently, there is no further contact initiated by the team with the subject.

Sensor placement

EEG (Electroencephalography)

To collect information about the brain's electrical activity, we use EEG (Electroencephalography). EEG involves placing electrodes on the scalp to detect the tiny electrical signals produced by the brain's neurons during communication. These signals provide valuable insights into brain function and can reveal patterns associated with different cognitive states and activities.

In our study, we employ an advanced EEG cap, which contains multiple electrodes strategically positioned to capture comprehensive data across various regions of the brain. This cap allows us to monitor and record the brain's electrical activity in real-time, facilitating detailed analysis of neural responses.

ECG (Electrocardiography)

To monitor the heart's electrical activity over a period of time, we use Electrocardiography (ECG). By placing electrodes on the skin, ECG measures the timing and intensity of the electrical signals responsible for heartbeats. This method provides detailed insights into heart function and rhythm.

The BiosignalsPlux Explorer Kit for ECG analysis includes the following components: a wireless 4-channel BioSignalsPlux HUB, professional sensors, a PLUX proven Bluetooth dongle, electrodes, and a medical-grade charger. Three ECG sensors and one ElectroDermal Activity (EDA) sensor are connected to the wireless 4-channel BioSignalsPlux HUB to acquire ECG data throughout all the phases.

The ECG electrodes are positioned on the subject from the Right Arm (RA) to the Left Foot (LF). The electrodes are positioned following the Einthoven triangle configuration for accurate ECG measurements. However, for convenience, one electrode is placed on the highest point of the left leg instead of the left foot. This slight modification in electrode placement does not significantly affect the accuracy of the ECG measurements and allows for practicality during the experiment.


In addition, we gather EMG (Electromyography) data, which records the electrical activity generated by skeletal muscles. This technique requires placing electrodes on the skin into muscle tissue. EMG is crucial for evaluating muscle health and the functionality of the nerve cells that govern muscle movement.

The muscle electrical activity is measured with 6 wireless sensors (sampling frequency 1600Hz, Kiso ehf, Reykjavik, Iceland) placed on six specific muscles (three muscles per leg), indicated anatomically and with their final placement:

  • TA (Tibialis Anterior): Placed over the tibialis anterior muscle
  • GL (Gastrocnemius Lateralis): Positioned over the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle
  • Soleus: Positioned over the soleus muscle

This section details the placement of eight more electrodes (four on the Left, four on the Right) to better study the postural control. The electrodes are positioned over the following muscles:

Splenius Capitis: Positioned over the Splenius Capitis muscle, located at the back of the neck and upper back

Sternocleidomastoid: Placed over the Sternocleidomastoid muscle, situated on each side of the neck

Erector Spinae: Positioned over the Erector Spinae muscles, which run along the length of the spine

Trapezius Muscles: Positioned in the upper back and neck, extending from the base of the skull down to the mid-back and across to the shoulders

Accurate electrode placement is essential to ensure precise measurement and recording of muscle activity during the study.

Together, EEG, ECG, and EMG provide comprehensive insights into the electrical activities of the brain, heart, and muscles, respectively. These signals are invaluable in both clinical diagnostics and biomedical research, helping to understand and monitor various physiological and pathological conditions.


The BioVRSea acquisition protocol consists of six distinct phases that involve balance and postural control strategies: baseline (BL), pre-phase (PRE), 25%-phase, 50%-phase, 75%-phase, and post-phase (POST). The 25%-phase, 50%-phase, and 75%-phase are combined and their values are averaged to create the mid-phase (MOVE). In the BL phase, the subject is required to stand still on the platform with their arms by their side while watching a not-sea scenario for two minutes. In the PRE phase, the stimulus is purely visual as the subject begins to observe the virtual waves without holding onto the security bar. Subsequently, in the PRE phase, the subject is required to hold the security bar while experiencing both motor and visual stimuli. The platform starts to move at varying intensities, with each phase lasting forty seconds (MOVE). Finally, the POST phase replicates the conditions of the PRE phase.